USA: Democracy or Constitutional Federal Republic
A CNN columnist portrayed allies of previous President Donald Trump depicting the US of America as a republic as “an assault on vote based system” during a section that broadcasted Sunday.
Various Trump allies told CNN columnist Donie O’Sullivan that the U.S. was not a “a majority rules government” in man-on-the-road interviews during the portion, rather depicting it as a republic. O’Sullivan endeavored to refute their depiction in a meeting with student of history Anne Applebaum. (RELATED: ‘WHY?’: Ex-Trump Official Passes on CNN Board Stunned Over Refusal To Respond to ‘Gotcha’ Question)
“America is a vote based system. It was established as a vote based system,” Applebaum guaranteed after O’Sullivan inquired as to whether the U.S. was a majority rules government.
“I’ve heard a ton of fear inspired notions. I listen to a ton of things out and about, yet to hear Americans, individuals who might portray themselves as nationalists, say that America isn’t a majority rule government, that left me speechless,” O’Sullivan told Applebaum.